‘Batman – One Bad Day: The Riddler’ – Review

In a similar vein to how ‘The Killing Joke’ redefined The Joker, this new series of one-shots aims to do that for other members of Batman’s rogues gallery. First up is The Riddler, from Tom King and Mitch Gerads.

Read More ‘Batman – One Bad Day: The Riddler’ – Review

The Stand (2020) Review

The reaction to the recent adaptation of The Stand has been mixed. On one hand, I understand the critics who said they found the show uneven, in terms of both tone and performances. But on the other, as a huge fan of the show, I’m left to wonder; what did anyone expect?

The show is bizarre and awkward at times, but so was the book. As an adaptation of one of the weirdest books of all time, The Stand does a damn good job capturing that “Stephen King feeling” that so many other adaptations fail at. 

Read More The Stand (2020) Review

Marvel Frontier Comics – Marvel’s Forgotten Foray into Mature Comics

In the latter half of the 1980’s, it became clear that comics weren’t just for kids. Thanks in huge part to the extraordinary mainstream success of Alan Moore’s Watchmen, publishers were more aware than ever of the vast potential of comics for older readers. The big two both had their own homes for these more mature comics, Epic at Marvel and DC’s Vertigo.

But there was another imprint that no one seems to know about. From Marvel’s ill-fated UK branch, came Marvel Frontier Comics.

Read More Marvel Frontier Comics – Marvel’s Forgotten Foray into Mature Comics